

Board of Governors

The primary role of the Lower Canada College Board of Governors is to establish the school’s overall strategy and policy objectives, review and respond to the administration’s plans to achieve these objectives, and review and assess the school’s performance.

The Board of Governors meets on a monthly basis throughout the school year and as otherwise required. Members, who are appointed by the Corporation, serve up to two three-year terms and participate on standing committees.

Leadership Team

Head of School

Christopher J. Shannon, Pre-U '76
M.Ed (Educational Administration), Brock University
MA (History and Politics), University of Geneva
BA, Queen's University

Chief Operating Officer
Geoffrey Kalil '92, Pre-U '93
MBA, John Molson School of Business, Concordia University
BA, Queen’s University


Deputy Head
Mark Salkeld
MA, Cambridge University
Postgraduate Certificate in Education, University of London
BA, Cambridge University

Middle School Director
Tammy Groff
MA (Educational Leadership), McGill University
B.Ed., University of Regina


Director of Enrolment and Communications
Dawn Levy
M.Ed. (Administration), University of British Columbia
B.Ed., McGill University

Director of Human Resources
Tara Murphy
M.Sc (Computing and Information Systems), University of Ulster
B.Comm., McGill University

Director of Student Learning & Engagement
Michele Owen
B.Ed., McGill University
BSW, McGill


Director of Advancement
Nancy Smith
B.Comm., John Molson School of Business, Concordia University

Junior School Director
Alison Wearing
M.Ed., McGill University
Post-Graduate Certificate (Education),
University of Surrey, Roehampton
BA, Western University


Director of Finance
Priscilla Yee
Graduate Diploma (Chartered Accountancy), John Molson School of Business, Concordia University
B.Comm., John Molson School of Business, Concordia University

Director of Athletics
Chris Viau
B.Ed., Université du Québec à Montréal



The Lower Canada College Foundation was established in 1992 to oversee the school’s endowment funds. In addition, the Foundation evaluates requests from the school for funds for student financial assistance and assists with fundraising, including planned giving and the U.S. Friends of Lower Canada College, Inc.


LCC’s Corporation was established in 1935 when Dr. Fosbery, the school’s founder and first headmaster, endowed the school to its alumni upon his retirement. The Corporation was born and, as such, owns the school.

Today, LCC’s Corporation has some 200 members. Although there are no set criteria for membership—other than being among the alumni—traditionally, one must have served the school in some capacity. The Chair of the Corporation must be a Board member, and is traditionally the Board Chair.

The Annual General Meeting of the Corporation takes place in the fall to receive and adopt the financial statements of the school and the Headmaster’s Annual Report.