Visual Art
Junior School
The art program in Junior School is designed to help every child acquire visual literacy and develop their creative potential. At each level, students are encouraged to invent, interpret and appreciate works of art. The creation of each child is displayed regularly in our hallways throughout the year, in celebration of individuality and imagination.
Grade 1
Art is based on a thematic approach, giving structure and purpose to the students’ experiments with various art media. Working with paint, plasticine, printing and many other construction materials, students develop basic techniques, self-confidence, intuition and imagination. Often, art lessons are integrated with other subjects to reinforce and complement the students’ learning and engagement.
Grade 2
Art is based on a thematic approach, giving structure and purpose to the students’ experiments with various art media. Working with paint, plasticine, printing and many other construction materials, students develop basic techniques, self-confidence, intuition and imagination. Often, art lessons are integrated with other subjects to reinforce and complement the students’ learning and engagement.
Grade 3
Students begin to explore qualities of art materials in depth and are introduced to a wider variety of materials such as acrylic paint, plaster and construction in wood. Students learn to reflect on the creative experience of their artwork, as well as that of renowned artists and art movements. Projects include sculptures, portraits, and multimedia collage.
Grade 4
Students continue to delve deeper into more complex materials and artistic processes, with projects developed over a period of time. Elements of art explored include colour, shape, form, texture, line and value. Drawing from observation emphasizes line drawing with pencil. Themes are based on Canadian art, such as Group Curriculum Description of Seven and landscape or Woodland native art and are often integrated with other subject areas.
Grade 5
Students are introduced to artists and artistic movements with a reference to social context, notably the concepts and ideas of the Renaissance period. This includes perspective, fresco painting, sculpture and innovations of the time. Using the works of Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci to inspire, students are provided with open-ended projects, with emphasis on creativity and imagination. Specific skills such as line and contour drawing, shading, sketching, portraits, relief printmaking and collage are taught during this year.
Grade 6
Students are introduced to artists and artistic movements with a reference to social context, notably the concepts and ideas of the Modern Era. Students learn of Keith Haring and “graffiti”, the Pop Art movement and sculpture, and Surrealism. Skills covered include painting, drawing, printmaking, construction and mask making. At this level, students are given the freedom to design their own projects and may choose to work with others when appropriate. Emphasis is placed on problem-solving skills and divergent thinking.
Middle School
Grade 7 art
The elements and principles of art are covered together with colour theory and basic drawing skills. Although some theoretical concepts are taught, the majority of the student’s time is spent doing hands-on studio work in a relaxed and creative environment.
Grade 8 art (Optional)
The course is divided between studio art and art appreciation. Students use the basic media to draw from observation and from their own imagination. In painting, basic brushwork is stressed, and colour is used to describe objects or enhance narrative themes. The goal of art appreciation is to give the student an overview of the elements and principles of design, and to help them discuss how famous artists have communicated through their art.
Grade 7 Artwork
Grade 8 Artwork
Senior School
Academic Program
Grade 9 Art
This course develops from the grade 8 course, and is designed for students of all levels of interest and ability in art. The course offers a general exposure to a variety of media and art disciplines.
Students continue to gain exposure to a wide variety of techniques and media, and to achieve a sense of personal satisfaction and discovery. Their technical abilities and their capacity to communicate and express ideas and feelings are further extended. Interest and curiosity concerning art from the historical, cultural, aesthetic, social, and psychological perspectives are encouraged. There is a strong emphasis on understanding the creative process in art-making and on fostering an appreciation of art, artists and culture that is uniquely Canadian.
Grade 10 Art
This course builds on the grade 9 art course and is designed for students of all levels of interest and ability in art. The course is also designed to help prepare students for the International Baccalaureate Art Programme, both standard and higher levels. There is a strong emphasis on understanding and using the creative process in art-making. Students continue to gain exposure to a wide variety of techniques and media, and to achieve a sense of personal satisfaction and discovery. Their technical abilities and their capacity to visually communicate and express ideas and feelings are further extended. Drawing exercises and art history research assignments will be incorporated into each unit of study and based on the practical work done in class. Critical analysis will be explored and encouraged for judging the student’s own artwork and the artwork of others from historical, cultural, aesthetic, social, and psychological perspectives. Successful completion of grade 9 art or submission of a portfolio is a prerequisite.
Grade 11 Advanced Art
Students who elect to take advanced art in grade 11 must have a keen interest and strong ability, as this course requires concentration and extra effort outside of class time. Students will be exposed to a variety of media, art techniques and visual concepts. Over the course of the year, they will have a deeper understanding of the creative process, gaining mastery over several art media. They will refine studio skills to discover ways in which art becomes a powerful tool of communication. Critical analysis will be sharpened for judging the student’s own artwork and the artwork of others. There is a strong focus on understanding and applying the creative process to produce original works of art. Each student will produce a body of studio work for exhibition. However, there is also a required drawing component in each unit of study with an emphasis on developing and strengthening drawing skills in a variety of drawing media and styles. The goal of practical work is to provide a portfolio containing examples of work in various media. Interest in specific media is encouraged, but a generalist approach is considered the best preparation for those who may wish to pursue art in CEGEP or university. Each student is expected to participate in the year-end graduation exhibition. Successful completion of grade 10 art, or teacher approval based upon a portfolio submission, is a prerequisite.
Grade 11 Art Activity
The grade 11 art activity course is designed for students of all levels of interest and ability. There are two major units of study of roughly equal duration. These projects are individualized for each student depending on their personal interest and needs. There is a strong emphasis on understanding and using the creative process in art-making and on fostering an appreciation of art, artists and culture. There is no prerequisite for this course.
Co-curricular Program
Our visual arts co-curricular program allows students to experiment with and express their creative talent, pursue their artistic passions and develop an appreciation for art.
Senior School Art Club
Everyone is welcome. You do not have to take art, or have taken art, to join the club. It meets twice a week after school. Students work on their own ideas in their choice of discipline in consultation with the senior art teacher. There is also the opportunity to work on the set and props of the Senior School play. As it is difficult to take some of the art materials home, art club allows students the opportunity to catch up on missed class assignments or to use a more time-consuming approach or technique to art-making.
Grade 9 Artwork
Grade 10 Artwork
Grade 11 Artwork
Grade 11 & Pre-U Art Exhibition
Grade 10 Life Drawing
Students are expected to be able to work on their chosen independent theme, in their chosen discipline, medium and style. They should be leveraging their strength if they are producing a portfolio of work for university submission. However, all students are required to produce a piece of work from at least two different disciplines. The equivalent of secondary V level art (grade 11 advanced art) or teacher approval based upon a portfolio submission, is a prerequisite.