The Junior School choir performs throughout the year at school events, like the Terry Fox Run, the Volunteers’ Breakfast and our holiday concert, as well as at a variety of locations around the city.
Junior School students serve as technology experts, helping with class projects, organizing and managing the class iPads, and creating media to share during assemblies.
Students in grades 4, 5 and 6 join the musical as actors or backstage crew. They rehearse several times a week and put on a performance in the month of May.
As Peer Mediators, students learn about conflict resolution and problem solving. They are then able to apply their newly acquired skills by helping to supervise kindergarten students during recess and supporting them in resolving any conflicts that they encounter.
The Round Square Community Service Group meets every week to work on small community projects within the school. For example, students will research ideas for causes to support on Casual Dress Day or help with toy collections.
Students are offered a great opportunity to learn all about the school and act as role models to the student body. They host assemblies and bring to light any issues regarding school life and how we can improve.